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Different new features like the addition of new characters or new looks were added in this version of the Pokémon video game series. The revealing of the game was done on February 26, 2012, at a Japanese television program which was named Pokémon Smash!, and then also confirmed by the official website of the Pokémon game series. Various features were added to it, like the character of legendary Pokémon, which was identified by Junichi Masuda as both Black Kyurem and White Kyurem.

This game was first released in Japan in the month of June 2012, whereas its worldwide release took place in October 2012. Keep Scrolling and find the Cheats for the Game!

Pokémon White 2 and Pokémon Black 2 were launched together so that they may be similar to each other with different aspects. It is categorized among the fifth generation of Pokémon video game series. Whereas the publication of this game was done by The Pokémon Company, which has a massive hand in publishing the Pokémon gaming series, and Nintendo also supported in its publication for Nintendo DS. It is considered as most played video game of its time whose development was done by Game Freak, a Japanese game developing company. In its name, the number 2 denotes its version as it is Pokémon white version 2. Here you go up against a full squad of six and this includes The Elite Four! It is pretty jam-packed and if you are a long-time Pokémon fan, I think you will get a real kick out of the fan service that has been included here.Pokémon White 2 game was released to the public in the year of 2012. If you want a harder kind of game though you want to check out Challenge Mode. They are tough and will certainly test your Pokémon skills. I already said that this is a tough game, but want to make it even tougher? The Normal Mode that we have here will see you take on Pokémon Trainers that have in the range of 3-5 Pokémon. In that regard, it is ideal to play if you fancy yourself as a Pokémon expert who needs a tougher challenge. It may not sound like a great deal, but I would bet many people would be surprised at how much harder this version of the game is. There have been many changes made to the overall gameplay such as the evolutions, attack damage and so on. Overall, I would say that Pokémon Blaze Black 2 is a much more challenging experience than the standard Pokémon Black 2. What I really liked about the increase number of Pokémon is how much “fuller” this version of Unova feels. The trainers that you will encounter have had their Pokémon rosters beefed up as well making things much more difficult.